The Way of The Jedi

Total Health Mastery Coaching Experience

For Leaders & Entrepreneurs who want to become the most healed, embodied masculine, grounded, healthy, wealthy & sovereign version of themselves.

We will help you forge a stoic unf*ckwithable mindset, elevate your performance, quality of health, life & relationships - guiding you to absolute alignment with your dharma (passion & purpose) in order to live the most epic, sovereign, abundant, joyful life you desire & deserve.

Teaching through ancient wisdom and modern technologies of human advancement...

We utilize the Power of Ceremony, intentional Sacred Space, Somatic Therapies (breath & energy work), Mental Reprogramming, NLP & Hypnosis, Spiritual Practices, Plant Medicine Work, Health & Wellness Coaching in order to help ambitious men & women actualize their full potential and embody the self they know they are capable of being. to catalyze growth in you. 

We guide you to “stretch you skin” and transcend your edges (capacity) in order to unlock your most authentic divine expression.

We uncover the root of what keeps you from showing up and achieving what you envision for yourself. So be prepared to get personal and radically HONEST, not just with me, but with yourself.

Simply, we hold up the mirror and keep you accountable to the greatest version of you, regardless of comfort and convenience, integrity first, always.

This is an intensive, immersive, comprehensive, extremely high ROI, transformational coaching experience.

Must meet these requirements to be considered:

  • High Integrity & Heart Centered Man

  • Impact Driven Entrepreneurial Man or Aspires to be

  • Desires to make a positive impact on the world

  • Open Minded & Coachable (leaves ego at the door)

  • Calling in a Sacred Union (committed relationship) or is already in one

  • Vows to show up for himself despite discomfort & resistance