A Holistic Self Mastery Mentorship For Impact Driven, Entrepreneurial Men Who "Want More"

  • Experience a greater level of health, energy & performance

  • Embody magnetic masculine presence, deep inner peace, alignment & fulfillment

  • Rewire mental beliefs & programming that doesn't serve your highest good & forge an unfuckwithable mind

  • Cultivate harmonious & lasting relationships

  • Attract more abundance & live with Kingly sovereignty, self confidence, freedom & connection with the Divine.

High Achievers, Leaders & Entrepreneurs who feel the urge to be extraordinary...

You may identify as the TOP 1%

And you feel that you've gotten far in your life, beyond the level that most men around you are at, yet something is still missing...

Life may feel "pretty good" yet there's a knowing that deep down you are capable of more. You feel comfortable with where you are at - but you aren't satisfied. As Kobe says "Job's not finished."

In the heart of every man lies a deep-seated desire to be more than just “enough”

To thrive, rather than just survive. A yearning to be the King of your domain (ultimate human avatar).

Accomplished men like you may find themselves standing at a crossroads, having achieved a lot in their career, fitness & life so far, yet still feeling like there is a void within their heart, a lack of fulfillment... this is what I call "The Golden Hamster Wheel"

You feel an inner yearning for a stronger sense of love & peace within, a deeper connection to God, the feminine and a life that truly reflects your highest calling.

You desire to be elite in every category of life - mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, financial & relational.

You desire richness within your spirit.
To look in the mirror & witness a man of integrity - in peak health. To feel unshackled from trauma & scarcity & societal programming - to steward bountiful wealth, & build your Kingdom alongside a sexy loyal Queen. You envision living an epic, heart centered life, full of presence & joy with your family, altruistic service, traveling the world, & experiencing the magic of the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within & without. This is the epitome of true success you've been yearning for.

This is the hyperbolic time chamber for your avatar's ascension.

KINGHOOD is a comprehensive & holistic mentorship that will guide you to truly embody what it means to be a "KING"

This is not a title or role every man is worthy of - it takes “stretching your skin” and transcending your edges (capacity) in order to unlock your most powerful, authentic, divine avatar (expression).

We uncover the root of what keeps you from showing up and achieving what you envision for yourself. So be prepared to get personal and radically HONEST, not just with me, but with yourself.

Teaching through ancient wisdom and modern technologies of human advancement...

We utilize the Power of Ceremony, intentional Sacred Space, Somatic Therapies (breath & energy work), Mental Reprogramming, NLP & Hypnosis, Spiritual Practices, Plant Medicine Work, Health & Wellness Coaching in order to help ambitious men actualize their full potential and embody the self they know they are capable of being.

Simply, I am here to hold up the mirror and keep you accountable to the greatest version of you, regardless of comfort and convenience. Integrity first, always.

This is an intensive, immersive, comprehensive, extremely high ROI, transformational coaching experience...

Please do not apply if you are not ready to show up with an open mind/heart, humble willingness & relentless devotion towards your growth.

Who this is for...

For Conscious Leaders & Entrepreneurs who are already "good" but want to elevate their greatness & become the most embodied, authentic, grounded, healthy, wealthy & sovereign masculine version of themselves.

OM only works privately with a handful of men each year to ensure the greatest level of results, attention & delivery to each student.

Thus, Coaching Experiences are custom tailored to your specific needs.

Here's an idea of what you may experience working with me:

  • 3, 6 or 12 month coaching container

  • Weekly or Bi-weekly 1-1 Coaching Calls

  • Breathwork, Guided Meditations, Energy Work, Training Modules, Q&A

  • 1-1 Unlimited Message Support

  • Custom Self Mastery Blueprint

  • 1 Year Conscious Community Membership

  • Lifetime Access to Harmonia Collective Course + Ebooks (Health Optimization, Masculine Embodiment, Biohacking, Spirituality, Relationships & more)

  • Inner Liberation Experiences (our holistic transformational spiritual retreat adventures)

  • 3 Day 1-1 In-Person VIP Full Temple Upgrade (Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment)

Must meet these requirements to be considered:

  • High Integrity & Heart Centered Man

  • Impact Driven Leader or aspires to be

  • Open Minded, Humble & Coachable (leaves ego at the door)

  • Desires a Sacred Union (committed intimate relationship) or is already in one

  • Vows to show up for himself despite discomfort, convenience or resistance