Harmonia Collective

Heart Centered Conscious Community

Awaken, Evolve, Thrive.

Embody Your Greatest Potential.

KaiZen (continuous evolution)

is our compass.

We are the embodiment of intentional, mindful & heart-centered conscious being & community.

Life isn't just about surviving, it is about thriving. Or as we like to call it, Life-Maxing.

Harmonia Collective is a conscious community harmonized to the heart frequency.

We are a collective of high vibe entrepreneurs, visionary leaders, wisdom seekers, light warriors, artists, athletes, coaches & creators who are unified & united in this dance of life, devoted to our dharma (passion & purpose), becoming the greatest expression of who we are, an ever-evolving prophecy.

We empower you to become happier, healthier, wealthier, more enlightened & embodied as the greatest version of you.

This is the hyperbolic time chamber for your avatar's ascension.

Be The Way. Be The Light.

We are the answers to our ancestors prayers.

We are the change we wish to see in the world. Beyond just a community, we are a global consciousness uprising & you are invited to the experience of a lifetime.

Our Ethos "PROSPER"

Physical Mastery

Health is Wealth. The Body is Your Spirit's Temple. Optimal health is the fundamental base of self mastery.

Relational Mastery

Relationships are the truest & most powerful form of wealth. We are here to help you cultivate lasting, harmonious friendships & intimate partnerships.

Occupational Mastery

Alchemizing Pain into Purpose into Prosperity. This tenet is about helping you "Perform on Purpose."

To serve in a way that is aligned with your heart's desire & Dharma (purpose).

Spiritual Mastery

Everything is Spiritual. Life is Ceremony.

Psychological Mastery

Change your mindset, change your life.

As within, so without. Your mind is the engine that creates your reality.

Emotional Mastery

Emotions are just Energy in Motion. We can use our emotions as a compass. They can be our greatest teachers, illuminating where we can improve and they can be our greatest kryptonite if we are not listening & facing our emotions.


We believe the outer reality is a reflection of the inner reality. The more rich you can become within your spirit, the more rich you'll be in your outer reality.

The Ultimate Holistic Spiritual Evolution Retreats

This Transformational Retreat Program is Tailored to Empowered Souls who are Ready & Desire to:

  • • Ready to let of self-limiting beliefs & negative programs that may be holding you back

    • An impact driven leader seeking growth & connection with high-vibe soul-tribe

    • Someone who strives to embody the greatest version of themselves

    • Seeking to attract/cultivate deeper relationships with partners, friends and family

    • Desiring physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual growth.

First Timer's Authentic Perspective

Mark Gonzalez | Entrepreneur

Recruiting Agency

Embark on a Sacred Soul Quest of Growth, Adventure, Bliss. A Soul-full Joyful Journey.

evolve with us


coaching experience

transformative retreats


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Our Values

Conscious Connection

We come-in-unity, through open-hearted authentic expression. We are the medicine, and we know that by unifying in love as one, our vibration will ripple out into uplifting the cosmic collective.

Heart Centered

The greatest journey we travel on in life is from the head to the heart. Being heart centered allows us to experience the divinity of creation rather than in fear.

Safe Space

Vulnerability is the currency of growth. We create judgement-free, compassionate, safe spaces where everyone is welcome and everything is seen as a teacher & mirror for our growth.

Conscious Connection

We come-in-unity, through open-hearted authentic expression. We are the medicine, and we know that by unifying in love as one, our vibration will ripple out into uplifting the cosmic collective.

Heart Centered

The greatest journey we travel on in life is from the head to the heart. Being heart centered allows us to experience the divinity of creation rather than in fear.

Safe Space

Vulnerability is the currency of growth. We create judgement-free, compassionate, safe spaces where everyone is welcome and everything is seen as a teacher & mirror for our growth.

Empowered Action

Proactively & intentionally creating our reality rather than in reactivity & victimhood. Living in the drivers seat of life rather than in passenger. We play in the arena, not on the sidelines.

Embodied Spirituality

Practicing what we preach beyond the meditation cushion and into the fabric of everyday existence. Thriving not just surviving. Living our medicine, leading by example.

Life is Ceremony

The most challenging yet rewarding ceremony is life itself. Life (our external reality) is an immediate mirror of our inner reality.


Tyler Hardie | Entrepreneur


“It was a beautiful eye-opening, cathartic experience. It showed me oneness & totality, and all these things that I had intellectually been studying… it gave me the physical embodied representation of it. It felt sooo good to be there. The team did such a great job taking care of us. The medicine men, Orpheus, Amor & Omar were so beautiful, they really held us and allowed us to expand in many ways…

It was way more than I expected.

Whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually… It just really expanded my ability & capacity for more. I was really looking for that thing that would spark me to fall in love with life again.

For anyone who’s on the fence about doing this, whether it be a fear of plant medicine, fear of death, whatever it may be… Just know that, the medicine is going to meet you in a beautiful way & give you what you need.

And the ILE Team did a great job at curating this container. I couldn’t recommend the Inner Liberation Experience more to my friends & family.”

Connor Bell

Entrepreneur & Wisdom Seeker

Chase | Entrepreneur

Content Creation

Boris | Serial Entrepreneur Business Consultant,

Agency Owner


Ati Egas | Psychotherapist

"This was truly a divine intervention. I work closely with mentors, guides, shamans who led me to "Experience Inner Liberation."

Omar and the ILE team's ability to see me, to hold space for me immediately, allowed me to trust in the process ahead. I had been struggling with receiving and identifying ways to honor the divine masculine in my life prior to ILE. I received so much from Omar, Michelle (the Founders), and the group of wonderful people that were in this retreat container.

The Maestro's and Facilitators curated a high vibrational retreat which made everything sacred and gave us an opportunity to appreciate the beauty around us and within all of us. Since I left, I have been keeping up with the practices; to receive the love of God and Nature (all is one)... which has helped my relationship blossom.

I recommend ILE to everyone who is ready to jump into the divine mystery of life with courage, and come out of the other side fulfilled, whole, loved and protected, always. The educational component of the retreat, teaching traditions and cultural significance of the ceremonial practices such as the Temezcal, Shamanic workshops and plant medicine garden tour was crucial for me; it allowed for a deeper connection through oral history, so important in my ancestry."

Meet Our Team


Creator, Medicine Man, Spiritual Teacher, Serial Entrepreneur

Michelle Rahaman

Co-Founder, Medicine Woman, Priestess, Oracle, Spiritual Guide, Somatic Healer

Orpheus "Just B"

A Master in the Art of Conscious Living, Medicine Man & Health Practitioner for +25yr. Holding expertise in Shamanism, TCM, Acupuncture, Energy Healing, Martial Arts.

Marina Wanders

Magic Catcher, Light Warrior & Wizardess, Brand Development

Cole Diji

Visionary Story Teller, Digital Eye Artist, DJ


Chief Marketing Guru, Health & Wellness Practitioner, Client Success Technician

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